-- Get application usage for all users with start and end time -- owner, application, start, end select u.UserId OwnerId, u.DisplayName Owner, a.Name ActivityName, a.CommonGroupId CommonApplicationId, cg.Name ApplicationName, a.StartLocalTime, a.EndLocalTime from Ar_Activity a join Ar_CommonGroup cg on a.CommonGroupId = cg.CommonId join Ar_Timeline t on a.ReportId = t.ReportId join Ar_User u on u.UserId = t.OwnerId where t.SchemaName = 'ManicTime/Applications' and a.StartLocalTime < '2016-05-16' and a.EndLocalTime > '2016-05-09' -- Get application usage by day for all users   -- owner, day, application, Total seconds select u.UserId OwnerId, u.DisplayName Owner, date(gt.Hour) Day, cg.CommonId CommonApplicationId, cg.Name ApplicationName, sum(gt.TotalSeconds) TotalSeconds from Ar_ApplicationByDay gt join Ar_CommonGroup cg on cg.CommonId = gt.CommonId join Ar_Timeline t on gt.ReportId = t.ReportId join Ar_User u on u.UserId = t.OwnerId where gt.Hour >= '2016-05-09' and gt.Hour < '2016-05-16' group by u.UserId, u.DisplayName, date(gt.Hour), cg.CommonId, cg.Name -- Get tags with start and end time -- owner, tag, notes, billable, start, end select u.UserId OwnerId, u.DisplayName Owner, a.Name Tag, a.StartLocalTime, a.EndLocalTime from Ar_Activity a join Ar_Timeline t on a.ReportId = t.ReportId join Ar_User u on u.UserId = t.OwnerId where t.SchemaName = 'ManicTime/Tags' and a.StartLocalTime < '2016-05-16' and a.EndLocalTime > '2016-05-09' -- Get tags total by day for all users  -- owner, day, tag, notes, billable, Total seconds select u.UserId OwnerId, u.DisplayName Owner, a.Name Tag, a.Notes, a.IsBillable, sum(strftime('%s', a.EndLocalTime) - strftime('%s', a.StartLocalTime)) TotalSeconds from Ar_Activity a join Ar_Timeline t on a.ReportId = t.ReportId join Ar_User u on u.UserId = t.OwnerId where t.SchemaName = 'ManicTime/Tags' and a.StartLocalTime < '2016-05-16' and a.EndLocalTime > '2016-05-09' group by u.UserId, u.DisplayName, a.Name, a.Notes, a.IsBillable